
Sharing Knowledge & Expertise from the world of AI & Data

Our Story

AI Enablement is a trendy topic, but few businesses are able to derive value from AI without experts. MirData.Report shares expertise of Data Science leaders to help decision makers arrive at business outcomes.

With the modern accessibility of knowledge comes another challenge: to break through all the social media buzz. That’s where we come in: helping merit-based knowledge break through the noise.

Our Culture

We believe that Solutions and “Know-hows” to the world’s problems are in people, not in tools. 
We highlight the unique expertise of Data Science experts, focusing on actual facts.
We create a merit-based platform for sharing knowledge and expertise.
“Data is just hard. With MirData.Report I hope that we can make it easier for those in tech whose decisions significantly impact all of us.”
Seggi Mir, Chief Editor
MiT Alum, ex Data Scientist @ Google Cloud (formerly Looker)
  • Data Science Partner, Google & Looker
  • Data Science Team Lead, Looker
  • Data Scientist, Earnest
  • Data Scientist, Duetto Research
  • MiT Sloan School of Business
  • New Economic School, Master's
  • Baskin School of Engineering, Bachelor's

Our Product


Expert knowledge from practitioner interviews delivered in short video segments


Relevant business questions
answered by experts


Physical and virtual events open up discus-sions that cannot happen any other way